Expose Definition

exposed, exposes, exposing
exposed, exposes, exposing
To make accessible or subject (to an influence or action)
Webster's New World
To lay open (to danger, attack, ridicule, etc.); leave unprotected.
Webster's New World
To put or leave out in an unprotected place; abandon.
Some ancient peoples exposed unwanted infants.
Webster's New World
To make visible.
Cleaning exposed the grain of the wood.
American Heritage
To allow to be seen; disclose; reveal; exhibit; display.
Webster's New World
A public disclosure of a scandal, crime, etc.
Webster's New World
An exposure or a revelation of something discreditable.
American Heritage
A formal exposition of facts.
American Heritage
expose oneself
  • to display one's genitalia, as in exhibitionism
Webster's New World

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Idioms, Phrasal Verbs Related to Expose

Origin of Expose

  • From Middle French exposer (“to lay open, set forth”), from Latin expōnō (“set forth”), with contamination from poser (“to lay, place”). The Latin term is also the origin of English expound, via Old French espondre (“to set forth, explain”).

    From Wiktionary

  • Middle English exposen from Old French exposer alteration (influenced by poser to put, place) of Latin expōnere to set forth expound

    From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

  • French past participle of exposer to expose from Old French expose

    From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

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