The cereal crops (wheat, barley, oats, rye, maize); the cruciferous crops (turnips, cabbage, kale, rape, mustard); the solanaceous crops (potatoes); the chenopodiaceous crops (mangels, sugar-beets), and other non-leguminous crops have, so far as is known, no such power, and are therefore more or less benefited by the direct application of nitrogenous manures.
Thus in Cruciferous plants the staminal whorl consists of four long stamens and two short ones (tetradynamous).
Dwarf close-growing evergreen cruciferous plants, adapted for rockwork and the front part of the flower border, and of the easiest culture.
Beautiful dwarf spring-blooming rock plants, forming carpety tufts of flowers of simple cruciferous form.
The presence of sulphur in rape and other cruciferous oils also affords a ready means for their identification.