Record Definition

recorded, recording, records
recorded, recording, records
To set down for preservation in writing or other permanent form.
She recorded her thoughts in a diary.
American Heritage
To put in writing, print, etc. for future use; draw up an account of.
To record the day's events.
Webster's New World
To make a permanent or official note of.
To record a vote.
Webster's New World
To admit of being recorded.
Webster's New World
To indicate automatically and permanently, as on a graph or chart.
A seismograph records earthquakes.
Webster's New World
The condition of being recorded.
Webster's New World
An account, as of information or facts, set down especially in writing as a means of preserving knowledge.
American Heritage
Anything that is written down and preserved as evidence; account of events.
Webster's New World
Anything that serves as evidence of an event, etc.
Webster's New World
Something that records.
A fossil record.
American Heritage
Establishing a record as the best, largest, etc.
A record crop.
Webster's New World
go on record
  • To embrace a certain position publicly:

    go on record in favor of the mayor's reelection.

American Heritage
off the record
  • Not for publication:

    The senator told the reporters that his remarks were strictly off the record.

American Heritage
on record
  • Known to have been stated or to have taken a certain position:

    The senator's opposition to the new legislation is on record.

American Heritage
go on record
  • to state one's opinions publicly or officially
Webster's New World
like a broken record
  • repeating the same words or message over in a mechanical or tiresome way
Webster's New World

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Idioms, Phrasal Verbs Related to Record

Origin of Record

  • From Middle English recorden (“to repeat, to report"), from Old French recorder (“to get by heart"), from Latin recordārÄ«, present active infinitive of recordor (“remember, call to mind"), from re- (“back, again") + cor (“heart; mind").

    From Wiktionary

  • Middle English recorden from Old French recorder from Latin recordārī to remember re- re- cor cord- heart kerd- in Indo-European roots

    From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

  • From Middle English recorden (“to repeat, to report"), from Old French record, from recorder. See record (verb).

    From Wiktionary

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