The fauna of the scrub in the river valleys is decidedly rich, and includes aquatic birds.
Juniper scrub in the Durham area What is the state of juniper scrub in the Durham area What is the state of juniper scrub in the Durham area?
The trees which form dense forest and scrub in southern Patagonia and in Fuegia are absent, and one of the largest plants on the islands is a gigantic woolly ragweed (Senecio candicans) which attains in some places a height of 3 to 4 ft..
The general characteristic of the flora is the prevalence of herbaceous over forest growths; the high veld is covered by short sweet grasses of excellent quality for pasturage; grass is mingled with protea scrub in the middle veld; the banken veld has a richer flora, the valley levels are well wooded, scattered timber trees clothe their sides and the hills are covered with aloe, euphorbia, protea and other scrub growths.
In the scrub in the northwest of Mill Hill there were two Speckled Wood Butterflies and a single Peacock Butterfly.