Happen Definition

happened, happening, happens
happened, happening, happens
To come to pass.
Where did the accident happen?
American Heritage
To take place; occur; befall.
Webster's New World
To come about as a consequence; result.
Trouble always seems to happen when he's around.
American Heritage
To be the fate; become.
What will happen to the business when the owner retires?
American Heritage
To have the luck or occasion.
I happened to catch the exhibit when I was in New York.
Webster's New World

(obsolete or dialect) Maybe, perhaps.

as it so happens
  • as a matter of fact; incidentally
Webster's New World
happen on
  • to meet or find by chance
Webster's New World
happen to
  • to be done to or be the fate of; befall
Webster's New World

Idioms, Phrasal Verbs Related to Happen

Origin of Happen

  • Middle English happenen from hap chance hap

    From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

  • From Middle English happenen

    From Wiktionary

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