In this he went beyond Cyril and the Alexandrine school generally, who, although they expressed the unity of the two natures in Christ so as almost to nullify their duality, yet took care verbally to guard themselves against the accusation of in any way circumscribing or modifying his real and true humanity.
If, however, the unit point charge were defined to be that which produces a unit of electric flux through a circumscribing spherical surface or the electric force at distance r defined to be 1/47rr2, many theorems would be enunciated in simpler forms.
In the internal administration during the first years of his reign he introduced by his personal influence, and without any great change in the laws, a more humane spirit towards those of his subjects who did not belong by language and tradition to the dominant nationality, and who were not members of the Eastern Orthodox Church; but he disappointed the men of liberal views by giving it to be clearly understood soon after his accession that he had no intention of circumscribing and weakening the autocratic power by constitutional guarantees or parliamentary institutions.
If a is the radius of a sphere, then (i) volume of sphere =tira3; (ii) surface of sphere=41ra 2 =curved surface of circumscribing cylinder.
This surface may be split up into elements, each of which is equal to a corresponding element of the curved surface of the circumscribing cylinder, so that 3Xa2=curved surface of cylinder=2a.