The trials of underarm hair removal have been vexing women for decades.
The fact that she shows no terror as she sits before me is most vexing.
Gabriel's soft cluck of disapproval filled the air around him as Rhyn sat in the corner, watching the most vexing woman in the world --his mate --sleep.
More vexing than the inexplicable medical miracle was the creature that did it.
He moved away from the Lake. He had a long journey ahead of him, one he didn't relish taking. But, if he was to be the honorable Death that mortals and Immortals alike deserved, he had to do it. Gabe's thoughts went to his predecessor once again. He couldn't help wondering what happened to her. He'd expected her abandonment of the underworld would grant him some sort of peace or reprieve. However, after thousands of years with the vexing deity, he found himself lonely instead.