The vulgar Latin of Spain has kept the pluperfect indicative, still in current use vs a secondary form of the conditional (cantdra, yendira, pariiira), and, what is more remarkable still, as not occurring anywhere elle, the future perfect (canidre, vendiire, pcriiire, formerly canliro, vendilro, partiro).
Joey finds a new roommate, Janine (guest star Elle Macpherson ).
Alumni include fellow supermodel Elle Macpherson, Whitney Houston, Paul Gascoigne and It-girl Tara Palmer-Tompkinson.
Elle Driver is one vicious bitch that could so easily become a screen icon in the echelons of screen villainy.
Among the mass of romans a clef and pamphlets which the adventure produced, two only have any literary importance, Musset's Confessions d'un enfant du siecle and George Sand's Elle et lui.