Finding the right words to describe eyes can be the difference between a good story and a great story. Eyes can be described in so many ways, from words focused on their appearance to the meaning conveyed or interpreted via expression. Use this extensive collection of descriptive terms if you’re searching for striking words to clearly and precisely describe eyes.
Words to Describe Beautiful Eyes
Sometimes the word beautiful isn’t strong enough to express how attractive eyes are. If you’re looking for a fresh term that’s more descriptive than just beautiful, try one of the options on this list.
beauteous | breathtaking | comely |
dazzling | divine | enchanting |
exquisite | fetching | gorgeous |
handsome | heavenly | incredible |
iridescent | lovely | luminescent |
luminous | lustrous | magnetic |
magnificent | opalescent | radiant |
ravishing | striking | stunning |
You may also want to consider using a word from another language. Discover 100 ways to say beautiful in different languages.
Ways to Describe Eye Appearance
Beautiful isn’t the only appearance-related concept that is helpful when describing eyes. Choose one of these words to describe the way eyes look and make sure your writing is vivid.
alert | attractive | beady |
blazing | bloodshot | bright |
bulging | compelling | crusty |
dancing | droopy | drowsy |
empty | expressive | filmy |
flashing | glazed | gleaming |
glistening | glittering | glowing |
goggle | gooey | googly |
guileless | hard | hardened |
heavy | heavy-lidded | hidden |
hypnotic | icy | limpid |
mesmerizing | misty | mysterious |
narrowed | peering | penetrating |
piercing | pretty | puffy |
red-rimmed | rheumy (red and watery) | riveting |
runny | scrunched | shaded |
shimmering | shining | shiny |
shuttered | slit | soft |
soulful | sparkling | sparkly |
steady | swollen | sunken |
tear-filled | teary | tired |
twinkling | vapid | watchful |
watering | wide awake | wild-eyed |
For more ideas related to describing the appearance of eyes, review a list of more descriptive words for appearance.

Romantic Adjectives for Eyes
When you’re trying to describe someone’s eyes in a romantic way, you’ll need to use words related to love and attraction. Consider one of these romantic options to help express love.
ablaze | alluring | angelic |
beguiling | bewitching | captivating |
come-hither | consuming | devouring |
dreamy | enticing | entrancing |
erotic | inviting | irresistible |
liquid | love-struck | loving |
luscious | sensual | sensuous |
sexy | swooning | sultry |
tantalizing | tender | worshipful |
For more ideas of descriptive words to help express romantic sentiments, review a list of romantic words.
Words to Describe Eye Shape, Size or Position
Sometimes it’s important to explain the physical characteristics of eyes to accurately portray what they look like. Use these terms to help readers form a visual representation of what you are portraying.
almond-shaped | asymmetrical | bug-eyed |
close-set | cross-eye | deep-set |
doe | downturned | elongated |
enormous | hooded | huge |
large | lidded | minuscule |
monolid | moon-eyed | oval |
prominent | protruding | round |
slanted | sloe-eyed | small |
symmetrical | tiny | uneven |
upturned | wide | wide-set |
Need more ideas? Review some examples of physical characteristics for additional inspiration.

Words to Describe Eye Expressions
Eyes have been described as the window to the soul because of their ability to silently convey meaning. If you’re looking for a way to describe the expression, or look, in someone’s eyes, one of the terms listed below might be exactly what you need.
all-knowing | angry | anxious |
appealing | astonished | astute |
bewildered | blank | brooding |
candid | cold | commanding |
compassionate | confused | cool |
convinced | cruel | curious |
dazed | dead | dopey |
disappointed | disappointment | disapproval |
disapproving | disbelief | disbelieving |
discerning | disdainful | dull |
dumbfounded | emotionless | expectant |
fearful | fierce | fiery |
frightened | genuine | grave |
hollow | honest | hopeful |
impassioned | impassive | imploring |
innocent | intelligent | intense |
intent | irritated | jovial |
judgmental | keen | knowing |
laughing | lecherous | let down |
melancholy | mischievous | mocking |
mournful | pensive | playful |
pleading | proud | puzzled |
questioning | quizzical | rebellious |
reflective | remorseful | restless |
resigned | resolute | sad |
sarcastic | sardonic | seductive |
shocked | shrewd | skeptical |
sleepy | startled | sorrowful |
stern | stunned | surprised |
sympathetic | teasing | thoughtful |
trusting | trustworthy | unreadable |
unwavering | veiled | weary |
For additional suggestions, consult a list of adjectives that describe feelings and emotions.
Terms to Describe Eye Color or Shade
Mentioning color is an important part of thoroughly describing what eyes look like. Be as precise as possible to make it easy for readers to get a clear picture of what you are describing.
amber | black | blue |
blue-green | blue-gray/grey | brown |
clear | cloudy | copper |
dark | deep | emerald green |
golden | green | gray/grey |
hazel | light | |
murky | pale | pearly |
pink | red | sky blue |
steel blue | violet | yellow |
For more options, consider this list of interesting color words.
Words to Describe Eye Motions
Describing the motions made by eyes is a good way to provide clarity when describing eyes.
bat | bawling | blink |
close | cross | crying |
darting | exploring | flecked |
flicker | flutter | focused |
follow | glaze over | inspect |
linger (lingering) | motionless | open |
pry (prying) | rapid blinking | roll |
scan | searching | shift (shifting, shifty) |
shut | squeeze | tracking |
unblinking | unmoving | wander |
wandering | weeping | winking |
If these words aren’t exactly right, you may want to use another synonym for motion.
Figurative Words or Phrases to Describe Eyes
Figurative language can also provide a helpful way to describe eyes.
bedroom eyes | cat-like | child-like |
deep as the ocean | elevator eyes | feline |
foxy | hawk-like | laser-like focus |
owlish | pie eyed | puppy dog eyes |
raccoon-like | raven-like | reflected in the pool of someone’s eyes |
saucer-like | shimmering like the sea | tiger-like |
Want to consider more figurative language options? Learn more about metaphors, similes, and personification to expand your options.
Words to Describe Eye Conditions or Symptoms
Sometimes the best way to describe eyes is by using a term that refers to a medical condition or a symptom that affects the eyes.
allergic | burning | dry |
farsighted | itchy | jaundiced |
matted | myopic | nearsighted |
obscured | pinkeye | scratchy |
sensitive | visual impairment | visually impaired |
Expand your medical vocabulary to explore other terms related to medical conditions or symptoms relevant to explaining what eyes look like.
Improve Your Descriptive Writing Skills
Now that you know different ways to describe eyes, take additional steps to improve your descriptive communication skills. Get started by expanding your vocabulary with even more descriptive words, then explore examples of descriptive text and visual imagery. Look at specific descriptions such as creative words to describe hair. Apply what you’ve learned with some creative writing exercises, then write a short story to practice your skills.