Barium Definition

bârē-əm, băr-
A soft, silvery-white or yellowish-white alkaline-earth metal, used to deoxidize copper and to absorb trace gases in vacuum tubes, and used in various alloys. Atomic number 56; atomic weight 137.33; melting point 727°C; boiling point 1,897°C; specific gravity 3.62; valence 2.
American Heritage
A silver-white, slightly malleable, metallic chemical element, one of the alkaline-earth metals, found as a carbonate or sulfate and used in alloys: symbol, Ba; at. no. 56
Webster's New World
A soft, silvery-white or yellowish-white alkaline-earth metal, used to deoxidize copper and to absorb trace gases in vacuum tubes, and used in various alloys. Atomic number 56; atomic weight 137.33; melting point 727°C; boiling point 1,897°C; specific gravity 3.62; valence 2; symbol Ba.
American Heritage Medicine
A radiopaque solution containing barium sulfate that is used to visualize the gastrointestinal tract on x-rays.
American Heritage Medicine
A metallic chemical element (symbol Ba) with an atomic number of 56.
  • atomic number 56
  • ba

Origin of Barium

  • From baryta +‎ -ium.

    From Wiktionary

  • bar(yta) –ium

    From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

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