The lever, J, regains its zero position, and all is ready for another weighing.
Dressing himself in the armour of the slain knight, which he has great difficulty in handling and eventually puts on over his peasant's garb, he sets out on a series of adventures which differ greatly in the various versions, but the outcome of which is that he becomes a skilful and valiant knight and regains the heritage of his father.
As soon as the causes are known man regains his power over nature, for " whosoever knows any form, knows also the utmost possibility of superinducing that nature upon every variety of matter, and so is less restrained and tied in operation either to the basis of the matter or to the condition of the efficients."
In fact, a number of raw foodists report that gray hair regains its natural color on the raw food diet, and is thicker and shinier than ever before.
She suffers a family tragedy, struggles to overcome sadness and frustration, and regains happiness and inspiration in a surprising way.