Laye Definition
1597, King James I, Daemonologie..
Ye must first remember to laye the ground, that I tould you before: which is, that it is no power inherent in the circles, or in the holines of the names of God blasphemouslie vsed: nor in whatsoeuer rites or ceremonies at that time vsed, that either can raise any infernall spirit, or yet limitat him perforce within or without these circles.
1775, Various, Continental Monthly, Vol. I, No. V, May, 1862.
He was a wight of grisly fronte, And muckle berd ther was upon 't, His lockes farre down did laye: Ful wel he setten on his hors, Thatte fony felaws called Mors, For len it was and grai.
1806, Walter Scott, Minstrelsy of the Scottish border (3rd ed) (1 of 3).
Aftir that, my seid lord retournyng to the campe, wold in nowise bee lodged in the same, but where he laye the furst nyght.
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