This sort of dual control works with less friction and delay than might have been expected, but better appointments would probably be secured if responsibility were more fully and more clearly fixed on the president alone, though there would no doubt be a risk that the president might make a serious error.
The Goschen-Joubert settlement was accompanied by guarantees against maladministration by the appointment of an Englishman and a Frenchman to superintend the The Law ofrevenue and expenditurethe Dual Control;
For two years the Dual Control governed Egypt, and initiated the work of progress that England was to continue alone.
The Dual Control had been abolished by a khedivial decree of 18th January 1883, and1replaced by an English financial adviser.
But though Dual Control was at an end, the Caisse de la Dette remained, and this body was to prove a constant clog on the financial measures of the Egyptian government.