The grape, Ogeechee lime (Nyssa capitata) and pawpaw are also native fruits.
The genital ducts are limited to one segment (the 8th in Capitella capitata), and there are genital setae on this and the next FIG.
The best-known dipterous pests are the Hessian fly (Cecidosnyia destructor), the pear midge (Diplosis pyrivora), the fruit flies (Tephritis Tyroni of Queensland and Halterophora capitata or the Mediterranean fruit fly), the onion fly (Phorbia cepetorum), and numerous corn pests, such as the gout fly (Chloropstaeniopus) and the frit fly (Oscinis frit).
One of the hardiest feather palms to try in sheltered gardens is Butia capitata, to my mind even more exotic looking than Trachycarpus.
Myrsinites, portlandica, capitata, and triflora, are neat and distinct in habit and grow in any soil.