Bilbao; Count de Belvedere (ii,000) near Burgos; reserves (57,000) were assembling about Segovia, Talavera and Cordova; Catalonia was held by 23,000, and Madrid had been reoccupied.
The difficulty he found in obtaining supplies was very great, for the coast towns - and notably Bilbao - were constitutional in politics.
But the court was eager to obtain command of a seaport, and Zumalacarregui was ordered to besiege Bilbao.
Lawyers and orators are never wanting in Spanish-American states, and revolution succeeded revolution in one continuous struggle for the spoils 1 The romance of his life has been admirably written by Manuel Bilbao (1st ed., Lima, 1853; 2nd ed., Buenos Aires, 1867).
Bilbao (pop. 83,306), the capital and principal port, and Baracaldo (15,013), an important industrial town, are described'.