Turn-up-one-s-nose Definition

To make the gesture of raising one's nose, as a sign of scorn, contempt or disgust.
(idiomatic, with "at") To regard with contempt or scorn, especially in conjunction with the gesture of raising one's nose; to treat with contempt or scorn; to ignore or disregard in a contemptuous or scornful way.
(idiomatic, with "at") To refuse, especially with disgust, contempt or scorn, and especially in conjunction with the gesture of raising one's nose; to refuse with apparent disregard about offending the offerer.
I tried to help, but they turned up their noses at my advice.

Origin of Turn-up-one-s-nose

  • Literal translation of Ancient Greek εξεμυκτήριζον from εξ (intensifier with additional senses of out from or of the nature of) and μυκτηρίζω (to mock by turning up one's nose, from the base μυκτήρ (snout, nose)).

    From Wiktionary

  • A description of a gesture possibly universally understood as indicating scorn, contempt or disgust.

    From Wiktionary

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