At the same time the ko (" life," "activity," and almost "ghost,") which clung to the neighbourhood of the tomb and enjoyed the ghosts of offerings in ghostly fashion, had some of the independent enterprise which the bai possessed in abundance.
Under the Old Kingdom the attendance on and services for a dead magnate - the sacrifices and libations at his tomb - were left, together with endowments, to a staff of priests, called "servants of the ko(ka)," whose offices were hereditary.
Despite these public works Dr von KBrber found himself unable to induce parliament to vote the Budgets for 1903, rber's 1904 or 1905, and was obliged to revert to the expedient Ko parlia- employed by his predecessors of sanctioning the esti- mentary mates by imperial ordinance under paragraph 14 of diffi- the constitution.
We may call the value which (28) then assumes Ko, so that as above Ko =27rf (z)dz.
In all cases to which it is necessary to have regard the integrated terms vanish at both limits, and we may write f o (z)dz = 3f2' z 3 4(z)dz, f o z(z)dz = 'a' z4 cb(z)d z; (36) so that Ko = 3 f o z3 ?(z) dz, To = $?