End the conversation by excusing yourself.
If the skeleton dated back to the 1960's, as they were now beginning to believe, all the current players—the four Dawkinses, stepmother Jenny Radisson, and even Fitzgerald—would have barely been born, thereby excusing them from any direct culpability.
On the morning of January 15, five days only after the adoption of Piso, Otho attended as usual to pay his respects to the emperor, and then hastily excusing himself on the score of private business hurried from the Palatine to meet his accomplices.
In 1874 the university of Göttingen granted her a degree in absentia, excusing her from the oral examination on account of the remarkable excellence of the three dissertations sent in, one of which, on the theory of partial differential equations, is one of her most remarkable works.
The Los Angeles School District has estimated that 10 percent of its students are absent each day and that only 5 percent return with written notes from home excusing the absence.