Common sixth grade spelling words include those recommended by the Scripps National Spelling Bee. Scripps offers 100 words that are challenging for 6th graders to learn throughout the year. Check out some of these spelling bee words combined with some standard 6th grade spelling list words.
6th Grade Spelling Words With 5 Letters or Fewer
It may seem like 6th-grade spelling is unnecessary, but even middle schoolers are still learning to spell complex words. Start the year out with short spelling words, then add in longer ones as kids master these.
cavil | flail | gauge |
guava | guise | irked |
jefe | khaki | rogue |
sepia | yacht | yield |
6th Grade Spelling Words With 6 or 7 Letters
Medium-length spelling words for 6th grade are often challenging because they defy standard English spelling rules.
achieve | accrue | clique |
doffing | dormer | fulcrum |
furled | homily | immune |
penalty | perish | qualify |
solely | warped | Xanadu |
6th Grade Spelling Words With 8 or More Letters
Kids of all skill levels in 6th grade can master spelling these words with a lot of practice.
accumulate | advanced | advantageous |
banishment | Caribbean | conquering |
diabolical | diminutive | dismissal |
garbanzo | Japanese | medicinal |
miscreant | mockingly | percussion |
sturgeon | suffocate | supposedly |
temporary | unnecessary | violence |
Sixth Grade Spelling Words in Sentences
You can help students spell these words by using them in a sentence. Here are example sentences for some of the more difficult spelling words.
- Let’s gauge how much sugar we need to make three dozen cookies.
- That yacht is bigger than my house.
- All the soccer players formed a clique.
- If I lived in Xanadu, I’d be happy all the time.
- Try not to accumulate too many stuffed animals.
- The water in the Caribbean is beautiful.
- We have an early dismissal from school today.
- That miscreant keeps vandalizing cars.
- Is the tambourine a percussion instrument?
- She supposedly took all the pencils from the classroom.
Superb Spelling With Sixth Graders
Any 6th-grade grammar lesson should include spelling word lists and spelling practice. Use fun spelling activities to practice spelling words or host a spelling bee of your own. Add some 6th-grade vocabulary words for math and science into the mix too.