Persians and Arabs told the 1 Nativitas et victoriae Alexandri magni regis was the original title.
He wrote histories of Greece and of Philip, and an epic on Alexander (fragments in Miller, Scriptores Rerum Alexandri Magni).
A Latin memoir of Tamerlane by Perondinus, printed in 1600, entitled Magni Tamerlanis scytharum imperatoris vita, describes Timur as tall and bearded, broad-chested and broadshouldered, well-built but lame, of a fierce countenance and with receding eyes, which express cruelty and strike terror into the lookers-on.
In the middle of the neighbouring Piazza della Scala stands Magni's monument of Leonardo da Vinci (1872).
Something is learned, too, from biographies written by the monks, of which Einhards Vita Karoli Magni is the greatest and the best, and Wipos life of the emperor Conrad II.