Choise Definition

1652, Antonio Colmenero de Ledesma, Chocolate= or, An Indian Drinke.
And therefore my desire is, to take this paines, for the pleasure, and profit of the publicke; endeavouring to accommodate it to the content of all, according to the variety of those things, wherewith it may be mixt; that so every man may make choise of that, which shal be most agreeable to his disposition.
1602, William Shakespeare, The Merry Wives of Windsor.
Tis not vnknown to you, The feruent loue I beare to young Anne Page, And mutally her loue againe to mee: But her father still against her choise, Doth seeke to marrie her to foolish Slender, 10 And in a robe of white this night disguised, Wherein fat Falstaffe had a mightie scare, Must Slender take her and carrie her to Catlen, And there vnknowne to any, marrie her.
1592, Philippe de Mornay, A Discourse of Life and Death.
Behold him now, according to his wish, at libertie: in that age, wherein Hercules had the choise, to take the way of vertue or of vice, reason or passion for his guide, and of these two must take one.
1504, Nicholas Udall, Roister Doister.
Ye shall haue choise of a thousande as good as shee, And ye must pardon hir, it is for lacke of witte.

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