The principal industries are the cultivation and preparation of yerba mate (Paraguayan tea), cattle-farming, fruitgrowing, tobacco-planting and timber-cutting.
Yerba mate, classified as Ilex paraguayensis, is a shrub.
The principal articles imported are textiles, hardware, wines, rice, flour, canned goods and general provisions; the exports are yerba mate, hides, hair, dried meat; wood, oranges, tobacco.
In1835-1839" San Francisco " had an ayuntamiento (town-council), and the different municipal officers seem to have been located at the same or different times at the mission, the presidio, or at Yerba Buena; the name San Francisco being applied indifferently to all three settlements.
The ayuntamiento, apparently recognizing the future of Yerba Buena, granted lots there, and as the older settlements .decayed Yerba Buena throve.