In order to determine the probable profit and life of the mine a definite scale of operations must be assumed, the money required for development and plant and for working capital must be estimated, the methods of mining and treating the ore determined, and their probable cost estimated.
With regard to the latter, however, the requirements of industry were studied to a certain extent, in that the withdrawal of money from the banks was allowed, so far as it was necessary for paying wages and for the provision of working capital.
By agreement with the Ministry of the Interior, as soon as the reserve exceeded by io% the working capital (which was partly in shares, partly in bank advances) the company was to sell food under cost price; and this actually happened.
Fade Launch of actnow flex project First step toward making Cornwall the flexible working capital of the UK.
Cash Advance Option - Qualifying merchants can participate in EXC's cash advance program, which can provide working capital for business operations and growth.